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LSI Keywords: What Are They & How to Use Them for SEO

LSI Keywords: What Are They & How to Use Them for SEO

We often hear about the significance of keywords for search engine optimization, but many people are unaware of LSI keywords. Besides other techniques SEO specialists use to boost SEO rankings, using related words and phrases is a strategy that...

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Keyword Research for SEO: A Complete Guide

Keyword Research for SEO: A Complete Guide

Most visitors come to your site through search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. However, you must target the right keywords to generate and increase organic traffic to your site. That is why keyword research is a vital component of...

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SEO Best Practices: 12 Tips to Boost Google Ranking

SEO Best Practices: 12 Tips to Boost Google Ranking

What Are SEO Best Practices? SEO best practices are techniques, guidelines, or methods that, if followed, improve search engine rankings. In other words, if you strictly follow the SEO best practices, your site can rank higher in search engine...

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What Is a Call to Action or CTA?

What Is a Call to Action or CTA?

Visitors come to your site for a reason. It could be seeking answers to their questions, looking for solutions to their problems, or buying a product or service. However, without an optimal user experience, the visitors may not achieve their goal....

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16 Common SEO Myths You Should Ignore

16 Common SEO Myths You Should Ignore

The significance of SEO for digital marketing has made it vulnerable to misunderstandings, misconceptions, and myths. Unlike other myths, SEO myths can result in wasted resources, time, and energy, and in the worst case, cost you search engine...

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