9 Linkable Content Types that Attract More Backlinks

By Faiza Parwez

July 10, 2022
Linkable Content

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Content marketing is creating content that attracts the most backlinks and increases traffic to your site. Many components of linkable content make it worthy of quality backlinks. Linkable content is well-structured and contains relevant information. It is in-depth and provides credible information. In short, it is created in a manner that attracts links from authoritative sources. 

This document will discuss nine linkable content types that attract the most backlinks and how you create those content types. But first, let me tell you how critical it is to create linkable content.

Why is it Important to Create Linkable Content?

Backlinks are a top Google ranking factor, significantly determining your position in search engine result pages. Unfortunately, this makes backlink building a challenging goal to achieve. High-quality sites link only to useful, relevant, and valuable posts. It is the type of content that determines whether or not you will receive backlinks. Therefore, creating linkable content ensures you rank higher in SERPs by attracting most the backlinks.

Besides attracting backlinks, linkable content also attracts visitors. Linkable content is comprehensive and authoritative, which enhances user experience. 

Linkable Content Types that Attract Most Backlinks 

The following are the nine linkable content types that can get you the most backlinks. However, remember to monitor backlinks regularly. With the help of a backlinks audit, you can identify content that attracts the most links. SEMrush, Serpstat, and SpyFu are popular SEO tools you can use to audit your backlinks.

1. Original Research

Original research posts top the list of linkable content that earns the most backlinks. They are based on surveys or data analysis and contain unique information yet to be presented. They offer something new to their users, particularly those seeking evidence-based information.

Bloggers always look for data to back their arguments, so they link to original research posts. For example, if your blog post is about “processed foods can increase the risks for diabetes patients”, you would look for statistics to support your argument. Consequently, you will link to posts that have relevant data. For instance, if there is a post analyzing the effects of different foods on 10,000 diabetes patients, you would link to it.

Posts based on original research are certainly the most valuable posts for your site. They can alone get you hundreds of backlinks. However, conducting research or surveys requires a lot of effort and time. Therefore, your post will only attract backlinks if it is persuasive, credible, and informative. Other features of a good research post are:

  • It analyzes an extensive set of data. Based on the survey, the sample set must be big enough to convince the audience.
  • It is about something hot in your industry.
  • It presents data as graphs or tables for a quick understanding.

2. Infographics

Visual representation of an idea or concept is always more engaging than text. It is easy to comprehend and takes less time to understand. Infographics are another type of linkable content that attracts backlinks quickly. An infographic summarizes information, data, or knowledge for a quicker understanding. The most popular infographics are those presenting data or results.

Infographics are also among the types of content that go viral fast. However, it is only valid for those infographics that are highly informative and visually attractive. Additionally, you have to promote your infographic to get the desired result. There are two ways to promote infographics:

  • You can reach out to different sites and offer them your infographic. However, mostly, you will have to write a guest post for the site, including infographics.
  • Share it on different social media platforms. However, this method is effective only if you already have many followers.
  • You can include it in one of your posts, enabling visitors to share it on social media. However, your posts must have a social media sharing button for easy and quick sharing. Novashare is an excellent WordPress plugin that you can use to add a social media button to your post.

You can either make an infographic or hire someone for a more professional look. Unfortunately, hiring a professional can cost you a tremendous amount of money, even for a single infographic. In contrast, various graphic design tools have made it relatively easier to create infographics and images with the help of built-in templates.

Canva and Visme are two excellent tools for making eye-catching and versatile infographics. They have both free and paid versions. However, the paid version gives more control because of advanced features.

3. How-to Posts

How-to posts are among the most famous linkable content types. These posts tell their readers how to do something. A how-to post can be about anything, such as:

  • How to use the software? For example, “How to set up a subscriber list in XYZ email marketing software.”
  • How to use a product? For example, “How to use XYZ beauty product.”
  • How to achieve the desired goal? For example, “How to rank on the first page of Google.”
  • How to perform a specific action? For example, “How to open a LinkedIn account.”

A how-to post consists of three components: a problem, a proposed solution, and steps to achieve that solution. In addition, a good post would include images and videos for a better understanding. Descriptive and easy-to-comprehend posts have higher chances of gaining backlinks.

4. Guides and eBooks

Every blogger and content writer loves ultimate guides and eBooks. They need the information to compile their articles or blog posts and look for detailed and relevant content. For example, if a content writer writes about ‘search engine optimization’, he will look for ultimate guides or eBooks for detailed information.

Guides and eBooks cover a single topic in depth, discussing all essential details. They are long-form content, aiming to provide every detail to the reader. Therefore, they are an ideal source of information for authors covering similar topics and attract the most backlinks. If your guide or ebook is written in an organized manner and covers all aspects of a topic, it will attract backlinks in no time.

Guides and eBooks take a tremendous amount of time and effort. You may have to go through dozens of posts to identify the gaps and gather all the relevant information. However, once done, you only have to compile that information in one place. Therefore, keep in mind to have a clear format that is easy to understand.

5. Opinion Posts

Next on the list of linkable content is an opinion post. An opinion post is not like a regular blog post. A typical post gives facts, statistics, information, and perspectives unbiasedly. On the other hand, an opinion post is based on personal experience and reflects the author’s personality. Although it may include facts or statistics, it is about the author’s beliefs.

To write an opinion post, you must look closely at industry news. Then, choose hot topics that are most discussed, covering current issues. Although opinion posts are popular and receive significant backlinks, write such posts only if you have the expertise. Giving your opinion about everything will only affect your image as an authoritative author.

While writing an opinion post, keep the following things in mind:

  • It should be about a recent trend or topic.
  • Your argument should be logical.
  • The facts and figures you have provided must be credible.
  • Your opinion should be based on real-world experience.
  • Be humble with your words. It is your opinion, and it may not feel like a verdict.
  • Avoid criticizing people or their views. Be civil in laying out your opinion.

6. Comparison Posts

Sometimes, we need clarification about products or services and help deciding which one to choose. We often face this situation as no one wants to lose money on something not worth buying. As a result, we look up the internet to find the answers. For example, when I started this site, I would look up comparisons whenever I had to buy a tool or plugin. Therefore, comparison posts are popular linkable content and attract massive backlinks.

Comparison posts serve the purpose of helping buyers in making the right decision. These posts compare products or services based on multiple factors, such as features, price, ease of use, and performance. For each feature, the author votes in favor of one product. As a result, the user has a fair idea about which product is best according to his requirements.

Therefore, having comparison posts can quickly get you backlinks. As a first step, list popular products or services in your niche. Once you have the list, I recommend using them before comparing. For most products or services, free trials or free versions are available that you can use to avoid enormous investments.

7. Lists Posts

I am a big fan of list posts, and so is everyone else. As the name suggests, list posts have lists of points, features, or products. They attract backlinks, are easy to create, and are most shared on social media. No matter how many items are on a list, list posts will always perform well. But I suggest having at least five items to leave a long-lasting impact.

List posts are popular for several reasons, such as:

  • They are easy to scan. Almost every reader is interested in getting the post’s gist to know whether it would help them. Since list items are subheadings, readers can quickly scan them.
  • They arouse curiosity to learn more about what the list contains. For example, if you come across a post titled “10 ways to increase blog traffic”, you will become curious about those ways.
  • They provide quick answers. Lists make it easier to find specific answers. You do not have to review the entire post to find a particular point.

However, list posts may only perform as expected with an excellent introduction and conclusion. Apart from having a perfect introduction and conclusion, it is essential to have a detailed list. Provide detailed information about each list item.

For example, for a post titled “Top 10 Tools for Backlink Analysis”, do not just provide the name and price of the tools. Instead, discuss what makes each one of them outstanding. Discuss their unique features, performance benefits, and user reviews.

8. Product Reviews

Product review is another linkable content type that attracts the most backlinks. Website owners or bloggers use software, tools, products, and services; your experience with each product would differ. Sharing your expertise with your audience can get you quality backlinks. You will also earn recognition, increasing traffic to your site.

You can get backlinks with product reviews in two ways:

  • The producer of the product may share your review on their site.
  • Content writers may link to your content when writing about that product.

A good product review covers all the major features of a product and describes both pros and cons. The author also gives his recommendation or opinion.

Apart from gaining backlinks, you can also get a commission if someone buys the product using a link embedded in your content. Therefore, product review posts almost always call for action. In other words, you can increase your passive income with affiliate marketing.

9. Collection of Statistics

Like original research, posts containing statistics are also popular among content writers. Authors are always on the quest for data that supports their work. Therefore, they love posts containing a collection of statistics about one topic. In addition, such posts save time, and the readers do not have to go through multiple posts to collect data.

Therefore, if you cannot conduct original research, you can collect statistics from multiple sources and compile them in one post. The collection of statistics requires little time and effort. You can collect statistics from different sites and present them in a manner that is easy to understand.


Digital marketing success is only possible by creating valuable content that is informative and likable. However, no single rule makes your content linkable and shareable. But original research, a compilation of statistics, ultimate guides, how-to posts, and list posts are among the linkable content types that attract the most backlinks. Therefore, if you struggle with backlink building, create these linkable content types for the best results.

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